Lactation consultant Amsterdam

Corona news:
Mirjam is fully aware of the latest rules about breastfeeding when a mother is infected with the Corona virus
I can not come visit your home but that does not mean that I can not answer questions
PLEASE I am available for all babies related questions regarding sleep, breastfeeding, nutrition, stomach cramps, etc.

PLEASE call me at: 0624629468

Breastfeeding is natural, but it is not always automatic. Sometimes you can use some help. A lactation consultant can offer you this help.

This website is from Mirjam Baruch. Mirjam is an IBCLC lactation consultant

(breastfeeding expert) and incubator nurse for many years. In addition, she is affiliated with the NVL, the Dutch Association of Lactation Experts (NVL). Through her practice MiBaby she guides parents with newborn babies with problems with breastfeeding and the many other problems that the new parents encounter in the beginning. Of course you can also contact Mirjam for questions and problems at a later time.

Mirjam is an outstanding expert in guiding multiple births, sick or premature babies. The step from the hospital to the baby’s home is often accompanied by a lot of questions about breastfeeding and other matters. Especially the first week with your baby can be exciting and overwhelming. With an expert lactation consultation at home you will receive the guidance and answers you need during the initial period to be able to breastfeed your baby in a safe and pleasant way.

Teacher baby massage and more

Mirjam is also a baby massage teacher. Baby massage is a great way for parents, including fathers, to enjoy each other and relax together. In addition, it helps in many cases against abdominal cramps of the baby. Mirjam is happy to come to your home to teach you how to massage your baby. Mirjam is also a Baby sling consultant and provides short-term private maternity care. Click here for more information about all types of consultation and guidance that MiBaby can offer you.

Mirjam method

Mirjam’s consultations consist of several contact moments. She comes to your house at a time that suits you. She takes ample time for proper observation and advice. After that she keeps in touch by telephone, and if necessary she comes back again (or for a reimbursement of parking costs). As a lactation expert, Mirjam is ready for you 7 days a week, and she takes extensive time for you. At most, Mirjam provides lactation care to 3 customers per day. Together we achieve the desired result in a personal and affordable way. So contact Mirjam today for a no-obligation introduction.

Mirjam’s method

Mirjam works in Amsterdam and the surrounding area. To an hour’s drive from Amsterdam: Utrecht, Hilversum Haarlem and everything in between. She is available by phone 7 days a week and also comes to your home for consultation on weekends and public holidays. Mirjam also gives consultations in English.

Werkgebied Lactatiekundige Amsterdam
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IBCLC Lactation expert

Mirjam is IBCLC trained and affiliated with the Dutch Association of Lactation Experts (NVL). As a result, her consultation is recognized and reimbursed by the insurer if lactation care is included in your package. Mirjam is constantly being trained so that you, as a brand new mother, can also come to her with a familiar feeling in 2019.

As a customer it is good to know how an IBCLC lactation consultant handles your personal data. Mirjam respects your privacy and may, in accordance with the Medical Treatment Agreement Act (WGBO) as a lactation consultant IBCLC, only request data that is necessary for proper guidance. Lactation experts When processing personal data, IBCLC has to adhere to the most important principles of processing, such as lawfulness, transparency, purpose limitation and accuracy (accountability).

Mirjam likes to do that little bit extra, based on the idea: every child is entitled to breastfeeding. Contact her today.